Our Associates Program
EXG has one of the most comprehensive and successful Associates programs available for accountants, accounting technicians, bookkeepers and consultants.
We provide Associates with the opportunity to grow their business without the required overhead of hiring employees. We offer significant advantages to our Associates:
Trained professionals available for scheduling on your client work
Office space either dedicated or shared
Administration support personnel
Computer technology including workstations, servers, printers and applicable accounting and tax software and all required training and technical support
Availability of tax professionals for client advice

Our Associates program is attractive to:
Accounting and Consulting professionals approaching retirement looking for a place to sell / transition their client base.
Experienced Accountants and Consultants with a client base that requires experienced additional resources
in order to deliver quality results to their clients.
New Accountants and Consultants looking to have professional resources available to grow their practice and
receive professional advice from our experienced EXG personnel.
Contact us at info@exg.ca and we will be pleased to provide you with further information about our services.