Our Community Commitment
Our firm has a long history of supporting our communities and their not-for-profit organizations both in terms of ongoing financial support and equally importantly encouraging and providing all our staff the time to participate in their community involvement of their choice.
We believe that our Team Members will have the most passion in their philanthropic activities if it is within their choice to support the organization they most strongly believe in.

Some of our most recent staff and firm community support includes:
Assiniboine Park Conservancy
Beausejour Craft Shows.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Can You Imagine Daycare
Canadian National Institute for the
Canadian Power Toboggan
CancerCare Manitoba
Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD)
Centre for Christian Studies
Condominium Corporation
CPA Manitoba
CPA Manitoba Practice Advisory Committee
Ducks Unlimited
Elites Gymnastics Club
Flying Lion Dance Troupe
Kookum's Place Daycare
Laureate Academy
Manitoba Aboriginal Finance Officers Association Conference
Manitoba Institute of Chartered Accountants Foundation
Markham Jazz Festival
Multiple Mycloma March
Myeloma Canada
Order of Sons of Italy
Prairie Children's Centre
Red River College Entrepreneurship program
Red River Directions Conference
Red River Students’ Association
Riverview Health Centre Foundation
Rotary Club of Winnipeg East
Sara Riel Inc.
SEED Winnipeg Inc.
Seniors Income Tax Services
St. James Anglican Church
St. Mary’s Road United Church Foundation
St. Malo Community Rink
Stead Seniors Club.
United Way of Winnipeg
Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.
Visions of Independence
Winnipeg Chinatown Development Corporation
Winnipeg Chinese Cultural & Community
Winnipeg Food Bank
Winnipeg Foundation
Winnipeg Winter Club
Winnipeg Wolves Basketball Club
Zoological Society of Manitoba
We encourage all Team Members to volunteer. We have Team Members on the board of directors of many organizations on a federal, provincial and civic level. We promote and are extremely proud of where we live.
We encourage you to visit the sources of our Team Members’ pride.